Amateur Radio Station AB9BH
The following is a QST.
I am an Amateur Radio operator with callsign AB9BH, and I hold an Extra class license. I got my Technician license in 2000, and I upgraded to Extra in 2001, back in the old days when one still had to pass a Morse Code test at five words per minute. I was mostly inactive between 2003 and 2021 aside from some repeater operation and mostly failed experiments with APRS and the International Space Station. I also hold GMRS license WQRM321 (really).
Current station
After moving to Greenmore House in Shoreline, Washington in early 2021, I was finally able to set up a real ham radio station, but construction of the station progressed rather more slowly than I expected. Although much operation through 2024 was conducted by means of an occasionally deployed Buddipole antenna, I was still able to achieve significant rank in several operating awards during that time.
Construction history
- 2021 — Bought Greenmore House, built redundant DC power system
- 2022 — Entrance panel, grounding, 2m/440 vertical, end-fed wire for HF, two-element fixed beam for 6m, some Buddipole operation
- 2023 — GPS-locked time server and outdoor antenna
- 2024 — Homebrew vertical for 20/15/10m
Operating awards, endorsements, and totals
- DXCC Mixed #68507 — 200 entities — 235 confirmed
- DXCC Digital #9302 — 200 entities — 226 confirmed
- DXCC Phone #46449 — 100 entities — 112 confirmed
- DXCC CW #25140 — 100 entities — 117 confirmed
- DXCC 20M, 17M, 15M, 12M, 10M #37539
- WAZ Mixed #10860
- WAZ Digital #700
- VUCC 50 MHz #3535 — 400 grids — 428 confirmed
- WAS Mixed #65706 — 80M, 40M, 30M, 20M, 17M, 15M, 12M, 10M
- WAS Digital #5684 — 80M, 40M, 30M, 20M, 17M, 15M, 12M, 10M, FT8, FT4
- WAS Phone #4697
- WAS CW #3263
- WAS Triple Play #2714
- WAS 6M #1783 — Digital
- WAS QRP Mixed (pending)
- WAS QRP Digital (pending)
- 5BWAS #4567
[Totals were automatically updated on 2025-02-14.]
Station records
Greatest miles per watt
- ZS2DL (grid KF26sb) — 10525 miles ÷ 5 watts = 2105 miles/watt
Very distant 6m contacts
- VP8NO (grid GD18bh) — 7853 miles — 2024-01-23
- CX4DAE (grid GF25ae73) — 7023 miles — 2024-11-09
- ZL1RS (grid RF64vs) — 6957 miles — 2023-03-08
Very distant 2m contacts
- AA7A (grid DM43) — 1148 miles — 2023-06-12
Selected contest scores
🏅 2024 ARRL DX CW — SOULP — 4th place Western Washington section — 90,678 points [1.5 MB]🏅 2023 ARRL June VHF — SO3B — 1st place Western Washington section — 35,230 points [1.4 MB]
🏅 2022 ARRL June VHF — SO3B — 3rd place Western Washington section — 2,108 points [1.4 MB]
- ARRL Life Member
- INDEXA #5393
- Ten-Ten International #78254
Station equipment
- Icom 7300 transceiver (HF/6m)
- Icom 9700 transceiver (2m/440/1.2 GHz)
- Icom 2730 transceiver (2m/440 FM)
- Icom SP-41 speaker
- HamPlus AS-603AL antenna switch (6 antennæ, 3 radios, 1 amplifier)
- Daiwa CN-901 power meter
- MFJ 969 antenna tuner
- RigExpert AA-55 antenna analyzer
- Palomar Engineers end-fed antenna (9:1 unun, 55 feet of wire plus two 15-foot counterpoises)
- Diamond A502HB antenna (6m beam, two elements, used fixed with no rotator)
- Cushcraft AR-270 antenna (2m/440 vertical)
- Buddipole Deluxe with many extra parts (long mast, 32-inch arms, 9.5-foot whips, beam kit)
- Homebrew multiband vertical for 20/15/10m
- Time Machines TM1000A GPS-synchronized NTP time server and TM160 POE NTP clock
- Leo Bodnar GPS reference clock (9700 is modified for true GPS locking)
- Tallysman TW3142 active GPS radome antenna
- GPS Networking L1FPDC band pass filter
- GPS Networking LDCBS1x4 splitter
- KF7P entrance panel outfitted with Morgan Systems and Alpha Delta lightning arrestors
- redundant DC power system
- Heil Sound PR-10 desk microphone
- ART Tube MP Studio V3 microphone preamp
- Donner DEL-4i2 four-channel audio mixer
🌐 Palomar Engineers
🌐 Buddipole
🌐 Time Machines Corporation
🌐 KF7P entrance panels
🌐 Morgan Systems
🌐 Alpha Delta
Station photographs
📷 The control point at AB9BH [3.6 MB]📷 The station's single-point ground, mounted next to the operating position [2.3 MB]
📷 At AB9BH, safety is taken seriously! [3.4 MB]
📷 Entrance panel and lightning arrestors, connected to ground by two-inch strap [3.7 MB]
📷 Antenna for 2m/440 [4.3 MB]
📷 Two-element beam for 6m (fixed, no rotator) [2.0 MB]
📷 Three-band vertical for 20/15/10m [3.1 MB]
📷 SWR graph of the vertical [2.0 MB]
Past stations
My first station was in a campus apartment in graduate school. I had an Icom 706MKIIG connected to an AH-4 automatic random wire tuner (with a 30-foot or so wire running around my ceiling) and an MFJ 969 antenna tuner for a 6m inverted vee on my balcony. I also had a 2m vertical dipole. Since I was on the third floor of three, my antennæ were up about 30 feet or so. Due to excellent propagation in 2001, I worked stations all over South America and Europe and a few in Africa and Asia with that setup.
During the summer of 2001, I lived in Park Ridge, Illinois where I had a bit different of a setup thanks to a tripod and a bit of mast. I had a 2m ground plane at 20 feet, a 6m dipole at 18 feet, and a 20m dipole at 8 feet. I probably should have figured out a way to string up a 20m inverted vee with the apex supported by the mast. With this station, I worked stations all over South America and Europe, several in Asia, one in Africa, a VK, and a ZL on 20m. I also worked a lot of grid squares on 6m.
My right trusty and right entirely beloved friend Dr Gregory Allen Koenig, KA9YNI, and I once took over the University of Illinois's Synton Amateur Radio Club, W9YH, one of the oldest Registered Student Organizations associated with the University, founded in 1925.
📷 The control point at AB9BH (Park Ridge, summer 2001) [774 KB]📷 Antennæ at AB9BH (Park Ridge, summer 2001) [1.0 MB]
📷 The control point at AB9BH (Champaign, fall 2001) [776 KB]
📷 Antennæ at AB9BH (Champaign, fall 2001) [741 KB]
Copyright © 2001–2003, 2022–2025 Sidney August Cammeresi IV. All rights reserved.
This content may not be reproduced in any form or manner without the express written permission of the author. The moral right of the author has been asserted.
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