From: Sidney Cammeresi To: Subject: Re your allegation of copyright violations Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2003 10:02:49 -0600 Organisation: Nusoph Enterprises, Unl. X-Operating-System: Linux 2.4.17 X-Phase-Of-Moon: The Moon is Waning Gibbous (86% of Full) X-Uptime: 9:09am up 101 days, 14:12, 11 users, load average: 0.05, 0.04, 0.01 X-Nethack-Reference: You receive an e-mail.--More-- X-Somebody-Set-Up-Us: The bomb User-Agent: Mutt/1.5.3i Mr Bambenek: Reference your e-mail sent to McLeodUSA of this 14 March in which you stated that the web site at constituted a violation of your copyrights. I was only able to receive this complaint on this past 20 March, hence the delay you see in hearing a reply. I firstly note that you say you had 'explicitly asked them' to remove infringing material 'on several occasions.' I do not know whether I am a component of 'them,' but this is the first time I have heard of any copyright issue arising from a machine on my network. I attempted to examine this web page to assess whether it contained any content which could be copyrighted by you, but the URL you mention does not exist. At length, I believe I was able to find the site about which you intended to write: Please confirm that this assumption is correct. As you know, this web site is run by Mr Tim Skirvin, not by me. I have forwarded your request to him, and he has informed me that he has taken steps to comply with your request. Although you claim that the page contains a copyrighted name and e-mail address, I am sure that since you are aware of copyright law that you know that such an assertion has no basis in law since names and phrases cannot be copyrighted. Mr Skirvin has advised me, however, that he has altered your name and removed your e-mail address without comment on your interpretation of the law. As to other questions of copyright, I found that most of the material at the site in question was authored by Mr Skirvin. There were some newsgroup postings reproduced on the site that were authored by you, but Mr Skirvin has decided to not debate his rights to fair use and has elected to remove these posts, again without comment on your claim's basis in law. As I write, I see no further material on the site which should constitute an infringement of any copyrights you might have. Please review his site and advise me if any such material does exist there. If you do find such material, please notify me of such and provide me with the following so that I may raise that issue with Mr Skirvin: (1) a URL of each specific alleged infringement and a description of what material at that URL is infringing; (2) your contact information, specifically, your postal address and telephone number; (3) a statement that you have a good faith belief that the use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorised by you or by the law; and (4) a statement that all information contained within your notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that you are authorised to act as the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed (17 USC 512 (c)(3)(a) et seq.) If I do not hear from you within a reasonable time, I shall consider this matter resolved. Sincerely, -- Sidney CAMMERESI